Friday 12 February 2016

Can I see Myself as an Entrepreneur??

         Can I see myself as an entrepreneur? Of course I can! Ever since I was introduced to who an entrepreneur is and what their characteristics are, I have since then evaluated my own characteristics and saw that I have what it takes to not just become an entrepreneur, but a successful entrepreneur. Yes it is true that to be an entrepreneur you have to take risks but I believe that once you are doing a business or service that you enjoy, you would not even be too troubled about the risks you are taking. I personally love working with computers but that doesn't mean that I have to wait around to be employed by a company to do so. One of my business ideas is to create a computer hardware and software repair business in my hometown once I have the necessary resources.
I have all confidence that I will succeed in establishing my business one day. Even though it wouldn't be easy once it is established, some of the profits made will be invested back into the business so that it will grow. For those wonderful people out there wanting to become an entrepreneur, have confidence in what you want to do and take risks and invest in your ideas and make a difference in the world.

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