Friday 1 April 2016

Social Media....Can this help my small business in SVG?

Can Social Media help my small business in SVG? This question has two answers because it is decided based on your customer's profile. So if the target market for your business are people who are fifty five (55) and older, people who discourages technology or people who are anti-social in both the virtual and real world; social media may not be the best thing for you. Also, for a country like St.Vincent whose population is mainly farmers who are not tech savvy and are more users of traditional media instead of social media, this approach wouldn't be best. So, in-order to know if social media is best for your business you need to carefully analyze your target customers. 
  If you've analyzed your target customers and you found out that social media is good for your business, there are a few benefits that it can do for your business. Those benefits include:
  • Social media can help your business get quick real time feed back form it's customers.
  • Social media can help your business to find new customers.
  • Social media can help increase market intelligence.
  • Businesses can share files quicker and more efficient on social media.
  • Social media can help your business create strong bonds with it's customers through communication.

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